Saturday, December 27, 2008

"" NOW WHAT""???

Together we meet yet another morning. Presents have turned into a pile of paper, the meal now, just 'pickings", and the turkey gone. For those who forgot your mates gift, your goose is cooked.
Plans are now in place to ring in the New Year and midnight on 12/31 will be a night of happy people, celebrations and parties.
Sometimes we need a reminder that we are only able to have these freedoms because someone gave their life for it. Sobering huh? If its not, you're in denial. You were allowed to grow up free, run where you wanted to run, and do almost anything within the law because someone saw the value in being free and volunteered to fight and die for your rights.
Nothing 'ticks "me off more than a group of people standing on a street corner whining about the war. They are free to demonstrate ONLY because men fought and died for the freedom they are using. If 9/11 didn't convince you that there are folks out there that want you Dead Stand easy, because none of my words will penetrate the gourd setting on your shoulders. Men are dieing today so your sisters and brothers won't risk being raped in your living room. Make no mistake. Given the chance, that will be the case and more if these terrorists aren't stopped. We all want peace. But since time began it has come at a cost, and our Soldiers are paying it, FOR YOU !!!

Over two years ago now I remember hearing about how bad the returning soldiers were being treated. Don Imus raised quit a stink about it and got a bunch of folks together to build a new facility to help them get good help. The Intrepid Hero's Center was built to help down in Texas. Just recently it was revealed that there are over 800 THOUSAND Soldiers trying to get help for various serious conditions but were literally turned away because our government couldn't keep up on PAPERWORK!!!! Stories of men traumatized to the point of SUICIDE and turned away. IF you're not embarrassed by this you should be !! These guys n gals were covering your butt so you could go do your thing.

Sometimes life gets busy, It happens to us all. but lets lay it on the line here. In an earlier post I asked for help to get something started. And the response was pathetic at best. I'm asking you again. Help me help them. I will put in the first hundred dollars. and I'll provide documented information on every donated dollar. A committee is being formed to decide who we can help. an account is being established. You can use my E-mail My paypal is the same. My address is 25167 Hwy 248, Minnesota City, Mn 55959. Your going to blow some dollars on New Years Eve. I'm asking you to save a buck for those giving you the freedom to go to your party. If all you can do is copy this to your e-mail list at least your doing something. But I doubt very much that there is anyone that cant afford a buck. I'm disabled and caregiver to a wife with cancer. I don't have much, but I can a little extra,,,,,,,, and so can you if your honest . Help Me Help Them, Please !!!


Anonymous said...

That is so great of you to help them.
Sure I will try to help. My charity is the "homeless youth " in our country.

looney2n said...

Hi Bro,
Looks like there arent too many people brave enough to support the freedom that they enjoy. I'm getting more ashamed of my country as the days pass by...